Food Packing Event

This project was created by Jordan Natoli. Want to join this cause? Create Your Page »
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Campaign Goal Amount Raised Donations Time Left My Fundraising Goal  
${{goal | number:0}} ${{total | number:0}} {{donation_count | number:0}}  
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On January 12, 2010, a 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck the island nation of Haiti, killing an estimated 220,000 people and devastating the lives of hundreds of thousands more.  As the country struggled to rebuild, it was again struck by tragedy.  In August 2012 Tropical Storm Isaac rolled through, and on October 24, 2012, Hurricane Sandy dumped 20 inches of rain on the reeling population, destroying an estimated 70 percent of badly-needed crops.

Haiti needs our prayers, and they need our help.

That’s why on Sunday, August 4, beginning at 9:30 a.m., members and friends of First United Methodist Church will gather at Hannah Beardsley Middle School in Crystal Lake for the second annual “Stirred2Serve” meal-pack and worship event to benefit the devastated population of Haiti.  Last year, FUMCers packed some 40,000 meals and this year, again partnering with our friends at Kids Around The World, our goal is 80,000 meals!

So, if you are a member of First United Methodist Church or a friend of a FUMCer who wants to help, won’t you please sign-up with us over the next eight weeks at our Stirred2Serve table located in the narthex between services?  And, to make certain we reach our goal of 80,000 meals, we also invite you to make a contribution through this very website to help purchase the rice and nutrients for the event.  Every dollar helps, and the people of Haiti need your support. 

In addition to our August 4 event, we will also be performing community service in the Crystal Lake and McHenry County area on Saturday, August 3.  This year, we’re partnering with five different community organizations to provide helping hands and hearts for the day.  To find out more about these service opportunities, please stop by the Stirred2Serve table, talk with a Stirred2Serve team member and signup to help!

John Wesley said, “The world is my parish.”  Don’t miss this opportunity to serve locally and globally in the name of Jesus Christ, to give with a passionate heart, and to be in mission and ministry to those so desperately in need.

Hope to see you on August 3 and 4.

Your Stirred2Serve Team  

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This page was created by Jordan Natoli on behalf of Kids Around the World.

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