Ray & Tori being His Hands & Feet - Ethiopia Bound

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Campaign Goal Amount Raised Donations Time Left My Fundraising Goal  
${{goal | number:0}} ${{total | number:0}} {{donation_count | number:0}}  
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{{(total / goal) * 100 | number:0}}%

In January of this year, Kisha was blessed to be a part of what God is doing in Ethiopia.

Since returning, she has been awakened to the great physical needs that reside in the children, widows, and elderly in Ethiopia.

Her heart was broken and she now sees so clearly, the things that are continually breaking the heart of God.  Her flame is lit and turning into a bonfire.

Her joy, her passion, her changes, and her excitement is spilling over to our family and others that she speaks with about her experience.

So much so, that Tori and I (Ray) are feeling stirred to GO and have made plans to do so on June 24th-July 3rd.

We are excited to be putty in the Master's hands and we are excited to go serve, love, and bring support to the sick, naked, hungry, lonely, and broken-hearted.  We will also get to meet one of the beautiful children that we sponsor, Adanech:













There are 3 ways that you can help!
  1. Give financially.  Being a part of this mission is made possible through your financial support alone! Please consider helping us reach our goal here on our personal fundraising page. Donations can be done online (3% processing fee applies), or by check to Ordinary Hero, PO Box 1945, Brentwood TN 37024. Make sure to put "Ramon & Victoria Guzman" on the check’s memo line. ANY amount is greatly appreciated, and NO amount is too small.  God looks at the heart of the giver, not the amount given.  Blessings do chase down the giver, it's Biblical!  Remember: even an amount that you may think is minimal, such as $10, is more than a week's worth of pay for many working single-mothers in Ethiopia! Every dollar really does count!  All contributions are tax deductible, as Ordinary Hero is a 501c3 Nonprofit Organization.
  2. Buy a Shirt, Give for a Cause!  Visit the Ordinary Hero Store, where you can give simply by shopping- click "Ray & Tori Guzman" at checkout and 40% of your purchase will go directly to our cause!  Select from a variety of products, from shirts, to tumblers, to jewelry, and more!  Once at checkout, just be sure click "Ray & Victoria Guzman" under the "affiliate name" tab, and 40% of your purchase will go straight to our cause - and your shipment, on it's way to your front door!
  3. PRAY, PRAY, and PRAY some more for the Guzman Family!  Over this trip, we want Christ to captivate OUR hearts & the hearts of EVERY ONE of the Ethiopians that we encounter while there.


Here are some of the things we will be doing on this trip:

  • We will travel to the mountainside where we will bring relief to the women who carry heavy 100-200lbs loads on their backs up and down the mountain in order to provide for their families (equivalent to a $1 or $2 a day). And on the way, we will drive through the countryside passing out Blessing Bags to children who have nothing. This is always a highlight, as it is like provision dropping out of thin air for these children, as we pull up out of nowhere, and start providing for their basic needs.
  • We will be visiting the forgotten community of Korah (known as the the trash dump) to visit orphaned children, sponsored children, help with their outreach program, and make home visits where we will pray and leave donations as a blessing to meet their current needs.
  • We will be given the opportunity to bring much needed donations in the form of clothing, shoes, blankets, school supplies, food, and much more. We will pass these donations out to children on the streets, in the orphanages and villages who would otherwise go without.
  • We will show love to the broken hearted, the lonely, the depressed, the sick and the wounded.  The power of just playing, sharing, reading and caring for others in need is the ultimate show of love…loving thy neighbor to the fullest.

How you can help:

  • We cherish your prayers for this trip, for our health & safety, for the team and for the people we will be serving.
  • We also need your financial support.  It is $3500 per person for us to join this missions team (this EXCLUDES immunizations, passports, packing items, blessing bags and cash to bless people while on the mission field). The work of GOING can only be accomplished through faithful SENDERS like you.  We NEED your SUPPORT at ANY amount, no amount is too small, please give.

Why this matters:

  • We all have a role to play in loving our neighbor (locally & globally) and we are all called to be a part of the great commission.  We know that not everyone will GO but you can still be a part of the work by SENDING.
  • Some will GO, some will SEND, some will do both!  All to the Glory of God!!!
  • When you help us cover the major trip expenses, we are freed up to do more blessing on the mission field.  We can sponsor children, bless financially from our pockets, support local missionaries, support local NGO’s and so much more.  Your financial and spiritual support is truly needed, appreciated, and will reap it’s rewards.

Again, you can help by:

  • Giving financially, here on our fundraising page. Being a part of this mission is ultimately made possible by your financial support and generosity. Through your support, you will be changing the lives of many!  Donations can be done online, above (3% processing fee applies), or by check to Ordinary Hero, PO Box 1945, Brentwood TN 37024. Make sure to put "Ramon & Victoria Guzman" on the check’s memo line. Again, ANY amount is greatly appreciated, and NO amount is too small.  God looks at the heart of the giver, not the amount given.  Blessings do chase down the giver, it's Biblical!  Remember: even an amount that you may think is minimal, such as $10, is more than a week's worth of pay for many working single-mothers in Ethiopia! Every dollar really does count!  All contributions are tax deductible, as Ordinary Hero is a 501c3 Nonprofit Organization.
  • Give by making a purchase at the Ordinary Hero Store. (Simply click our name under the affiliate tab at checkout.)
  • Keeping the Guzman family in your prayers!

Thank you and God bless you for taking the time to read, support us, and joining us in prayer.

For God’s Glory,

The Guzman Crew (Ray, Kisha, + 5 Daughters)

Check out:

Pictures from Kisha’s time in Ethiopia here:


Read from Kisha’s heart here:


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This page was created by Ray, Kisha,& The G Girls on behalf of Ordinary Hero Foundation.

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