Build Your Kingdom Here: A Pine Forest Playground Project

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Campaign Goal Amount Raised Donations Time Left My Fundraising Goal  
${{goal | number:0}} ${{total | number:0}} {{donation_count | number:0}}  
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Please take a moment to read my story! 

   Hi! My name is Meggie and a year ago now I would have never thought I would have lived in Haiti for five weeks and be planning a second trip back, but that is the crazy thing about the God we serve! As many know I had the privilege to spend five weeks in a small mountain village, Gwocheval, in Haiti this past summer with missionaries Jesse and Kirsten Lancour. Throughout my time there over and over again I was blessed by the people and their contagious love and gratitude to the Lord. They are by far the most selfless people I have ever met, and the poorest I have ever seen. They have nothing but realize they have everything in Jesus. The children I built relationships with were perhaps what has stuck with me the most. Even though most conversations were simple, their joy was contagious and their hearts genuine. These children have nothing… they have no toys, little clothing, many do not have money to attend school and they spend their days helping their family with the tasks essential to life; like gardening, cooking or finding water if there is any. I spent a lot of time playing soccer, jump-roping, or letting them play with the front-facing camera on my phone (they have never seen such a thing! It’s hard to imagine!), and it was during these moments that the Lord filled my heart with His love for these children and created in me a passion to help bring his kingdom to these children.
     This is where my desire and God’s vision come in. This upcoming summer, 2015, I have the privilege of working with Kids Around the World to build two playgrounds in the Pine Forest of Haiti in the villages of Gwocheval, where I stayed, and in a nearby village, Oriani, that I spent a small amount of time in. Tears come to my eyes each time I think of the immense joy that those children will experience with a playground and even more the great love of their Heavenly Father that it will communicate to them. This will also be a beautiful reminder to the people of these small villages that God has not forgotten about them; that He delights in them and is bringing his kingdom even to the Pine Forest.

     This is a huge project, but one I am confident that the Lord is already putting his hand in and provision over. The total cost to purchase two refurbished playgrounds will be about $15,000. The original projection was $30,000 which also included shipping costs, but I have recently found out that both of these playgrounds will be getting shipped with already funded containers which saves lots of money! I have faith that God is going to provide in every way as I continue to raise this money. I am asking you to first join me in prayer. Second, I ask for you to help support this project. I understand many are unable to contribute financially and that is okay- please stand with me in prayer. For those of you who are in a place where you are able to make a financial contribution, I ask you to be prayerful and give however much the Lord is laying on your heart. And third, I ask you to get excited about building God’s kingdom HERE.  

The trip will take place July 7th-14th this coming summer. A team of between 10-14 people, including myself, will be going down to Haiti to install the playgrounds, love kids and share Jesus! If you have any interst in being on this team, please do not hesitate to contact me, and I would love to give you more information! (


Want to buy a T-Shirt for only $20 to support this project?! Send your name and shirt size to Adult:(S,M,L,XL [XXL and XXXL available for $2 extra]).  Thanks! (Shirt image below).

Follow the link on the righthand side of this page to make a secure online donation, or you can send a check with "Pine Forest Playground Project" in the memo to:

Kids Around the World
2424 Charles Street
Rockford, IL 61108


Because of Jesus,






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This page was created by Meggie on behalf of Kids Around the World.

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