

Here are some tips to help you create your own personal masterpiece! 

Personalize your page -  By creating your own custom fundraising page, you will give your friends and family a place to donate, but you will also be sharing with them why helping animals in need is important to you.  Feel free to add your own personal pictures/videos and story, and let people know why you are wigging out for the animals!

Set your own fundraising goal -  When we did this last year so many teammembers were surprised at how many of their friends and contacts jumped on board and donated.  So reach for the stars!  Your page will keep track of all your incoming donations and will show you who donated.  An automatic "Thank You" email with ADLR's tax # for their records will be sent to everyone who donates.  

Create your own url - Below you will see where you get to create your own url.  This way it is super easy to get your supporters directly to your page.  Once your page is completed just spread the word by sharing your fundraising page link in emails, facebook, twitter, etc, to make it easy for your friends and family to donate toward your goal. 

Offline donations - Offline donations which are checks or cash, you can input on your page and mail to A Dog's Life Rescue.  We will send you our mailing address to send checks.  

Have fun - Yes, this is about the very serious issue of trying to save lives and lessen the suffering of so many animals, but this event is called Wig Out for a reason.  It is fun!  So enjoy yourself becasue you are making a difference.  And remember we are a team.  So If you feel stuck at all or have any questions, just contact us at, and if you have any creative and fun fundraising ideas/pictures please share them with us as well! 

Fundraising Prizes - All Wig Out fundraisers will win prizes when they reach various donation levels which will be announced soon.  

And don't forget...If you are in town then make sure to throw on a wig on and join us the day of the event (register here). If you are not able to come to the event, then take a photo of yourself and your dog and cat team members hard at work getting donations for the animals in need!  

The most important thing is that together we are going to reach this goal, and we are going to make a difference for a lot of animals who need our help.

And thank you again for Wigging Out For Rescue! 

A Dog's Life Rescue


Unique name used in conjunction with a password to login to this site. Letters and numbers only.
Project Details
$ .00