
Want to help us raise funds for Project Rwanda? Our new online PLEDGE TOOL makes giving easy for your family, friends and co-workers. It's super fast and easy to set up too.

SPECIAL NOTE TO RETURNING USERS:  If you created a fundraising page last year, you can log-in to the same account, but DO NOT USE the same fundraising page (URL) you created last year.  To accurately track this year's donations, please follow the steps below to create a NEW fundraising page with a NEW NAME (for example, add 2013 to the URL name).

SPECIAL PRIZE DRAWING - Collect at least $250 in donations, and your name will be entered into our special Pledge Drawing for a very cool prize to be awarded at our event.

You can write your own copy and add pictures or even videos. Or, copy and paste the sample text below if you'd like. Thanks for helping us reach our fund raising goal this year.


I'm riding for Rwanda - and I need your help! On Saturday April 27, 2013 I'm joining hundreds of other mountain bikers in the 7th annual 50 Mile Ride for Rwanda. Our event has raised over $320,000 so far - and we're hoping to raise $100,000 this year.

The Rwanda Ride raises money and awareness for Team Rwanda Cycling and World Bicycle Relief. The vision of Tom Ritchey and Jock Boyer, Team Rwanda Cycling is a story about redemption, hope, and second chances. One of the team's cyclists, Adrien Niyonshuti, a genocide survivor himself, participated in the 2012 London Olympics as the first-ever Rwanda mountain biker to compete. Team Rwanda Cycling is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, tax ID # 27-3113955.

New this year - our event is pleased to partner with World Bicycle Relief (WBR). WBR is dedicated to providing access to independence and livelihood through The Power of Bicycles. With over 120,000 bicycles in the field and more than 750 field mechanics trained, World Bicycle Relief is changing lives all across Africa. And now - thanks to our Rwanda Ride event - we will be helping to get the WBR "Buffalo Bikes" into Rwanda - for the FIRST TIME EVER! World Bicycle Relief is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, tax ID # 20-5080679.

Would you please sponsor me and help us reach our fundraising goal? Your donation is tax deductible. Thanks for helping me - and for making a difference!

In case you want to join me, we have 10 mile, 25 mile, and 50 mile route options in the Rwanda Ride. Find out more at 50 Mile Ride. Thank you!

Unique name used in conjunction with a password to login to this site. Letters and numbers only.
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