In 2002 a group of Bronx cops decided to complete an endurance event to remember the vitims of 9/11. The Tour de Force was born. Nine participants, with the assistance of a four man support team, cycled from the Pentagon to Ground Zero. They completed the ride in four days, riding to the finish through the somber first anniversary gathering at Ground Zero, greeted by cheers and the handshake of former mayor, Ed Koch.
With the success of the 2002 ride behind them, a plan was formulated to raise funds, increase awareness and grow the ride. The Tour de Force incorporated in early 2003 and made it our mission to raise funds for the families of Police Officers killed in the line of duty while remembering the victims of 9/11. In 2008 501(c)3 status was gained from the IRS. Today our mission remains the same and we have grown to three hundred participants and forty support team members. Together, we have raised more than $2.5 Million for families of Police Officers killed in the line of duty, nationwide. Our participants and volunteer support team, along with friends and family, have bonded together to raise funds for a cause we all feel strongly about and all believe is a wonderful and very worthwhile endeavor. It is the belief in our mission that brings so many participants back year after year.
Mission Statement
The Tour de Force's dual mission is to honor the victims of 9/11 by keeping their memory alive through cycling events and to raise funds, to benefit the families of police officers, who were killed in the line of duty, each year, nationwide, making the ultimate sacrifice!