Dear Friends,
I will be racing the BreakAway Kids Tri with hundreds of other kids on August 23. Having this date on my calendar has changed everything. I’m more motivated to be active every day, to eat healthier, and to go the distance on race day.
When I finish the race, I will get a medal, but that’s only part of the victory. The rest of the story… is making my adventure matter.
More Than Just A Race
Besides being a swim-bike-run adventure, the BreakAway Kids Tri is also a chance for kids like me to help finish a world class and first-of-its-kind Pain and Palliative Care Clinic that is being built inside of Minneapolis Children's Hospital.
Led by Dr. Stefan Friedrichsdorf, the mission of the new pain clinic is to eliminate needless pain in children who are going through in-patient or out-patient treatment. Using natural and integrative therapies, the clinic will be a model of innovation and life-changing impact that will serve thousands of kids every year.
This clinic is needed because so many kids are in chronic pain. They are being held back from doing the things they love due to illness, accident, or even end-of-life suffering.
The campaign goal is to raise $250,000 by race day to pay for equipment, furniture, and other special features that will bring the clinic to life.
I want to do my part by raising at least $1,000.
Will you make a donation to my campaign? Your support will make my race an adventure that matters.
Thank you!