FH World Sports

This project was created by Food for the Hungry. Want to join this cause? Create Your Page »
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Campaign Goal Amount Raised Donations Time Left My Fundraising Goal  
${{goal | number:0}} ${{total | number:0}} {{donation_count | number:0}}  
  1. 0%
  2. 20%
  3. 40%
  4. 60%
  5. 80%
  6. 100%
{{(total / goal) * 100 | number:0}}%

Welcome to FH World Sports! Here's some suggested text for your fundraising page. Personalize this section with WHAT you're doing and WHY you joined FH World Sports. (And don't forget to delete these instructions!)

I'm running to end world poverty!

On (enter date) I'll run the (name of race). This race will be a personal milestone in my progress as an athlete. But beyond  my personal training goal, I've set a goal to impact the lives of people living in poverty around the world.

I'm running this race with FH World Sports, a group that organizes and aids athletes in raising funds to end poverty at races and other sporting events. They're associated with Food for the Hungry, a faith-based, non-profit international relief and development organization serving the poor globally since 1971.

You can join me by making a donation of $100, $50 or any amount. Your donation is tax-deductible, and you will receive a receipt from Food for the Hungry.

Thank you for joining me!

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Top Advocates For This Campaign
  1. Name: {{l['display_name']}}
    Total Raised: ${{l['total'] | number:2}}
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Top Teams For This Campaign
  1. Name: Simple Charity
    Total Raised: $2,025
  2. Name: John V
    Total Raised: $1,075
  3. Name: RftH
    Total Raised: $600

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3,856 Visitors

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