Bringing home Baby Kroeker!

This project was created by Alison Kroeker. Want to join this cause? Create Your Page »
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Campaign Goal Amount Raised Donations Time Left My Fundraising Goal  
${{goal | number:0}} ${{total | number:0}} {{donation_count | number:0}}  
  1. 0%
  2. 20%
  3. 40%
  4. 60%
  5. 80%
  6. 100%
{{(total / goal) * 100 | number:0}}%

Welcome to the Kroeker's Adoption Fundraising Page!!! Thank you for taking the time to learn more about our journey!

We have chosen a PUZZLE FUNDRAISER to fund a majority of the costs for our adoption. (Domestic Newborn Adoptions range from approximately $18,000 to $30,000) We have two methods you can use to make a donation through sponsoring a piece of our adoption puzzle! Will you please help spread the word?

We are asking for a donation of $10.00 per puzzle piece (giraffe puzzle picture not yes pictured). You can, of course, sponsor as many as you would like... (if you choose $10 = 1 piece, $20 = 2 pieces, $40 = 4 pieces, etc...). When every piece of this puzzle is sponsored wil will have raised $10,000!! Which is what our agency fees will be (not including birth mother costs).

We will then write your name on the back of the pieces you sponsor, and once our puzzle is completed, we will frame the puzzle in a double-sided frame. We will be able to see the names of all the individuals who helped us bring our baby home! Each piece we put together will make this process come to life as we see the puzzle grow into the beautiful picture!

For both methods, in the comment or memo box, please put in the names for us to write on the puzzle piece(s)

To donate with a tax deductible receipt go ahead and use this website! It's safe, quick, and easy!!

To donate where 100% of your donation goes to our adoption costs, go to PayPal and send it via bank account transfer to ***All transactions through bank accounts are not charged a processing fee***

Please include in the message the names you would like written ok the puzzle piece(s) or email us at

We are so excited to see with our God is doing and going to do throughout our adoption journey as we grow our family!

Please feel free to share this with anyone and everyone you know!!!! Every little bit helps so much! Even if you can't sponsor a puzzle piece or donate towards our cause we'd cherish your PRAYERS most of all!!!!!!

We are growing our family through domestic adoption again!!! And we're so excited to share this journey with you! Our God is so faithful and has guided our steps as we've sought His will as to how to grow our family again. Adoption has always been our desire and God has graciously allowed us to pursue it again!

We are working with a small Christian agency in Wichita, KS called Adoption Connections Inc. And are very pleased with their desire to serve God in ministry beyond just facilitating adoptions! Their hearts for the birthparents is beautiful!  We are blessed to have found another agency that has hearts for those in need!

We would ask you to partner with us in prayer. Please pray for us in this process, with our homestudy paperwork, profile creating and the waiting process! Pray for us as we prepare our hearts to be parents again, for Karis as she will become a big sister, for our future birthmother and baby as we know it is not an easy process for these mothers to go through and both of their health. Prayer is such a powerful tool!

We also ask that if you feel led, to partner with us financially! This is a daunting journey but we serve a God who "owns the cattle on a thousand hills" (Psalm 50:10). We saw how He provided everything we need for our adoption process with Karis and we believe beyond a doubt He can and He will again!

You can either donate right here securely through this website, or mail a check (Note: If you choose this route, do not write our name in the memo; clarify in a note saying it's for Cheyenne & Alison Kroeker) to:

Ordinary Heros
PO Box 1945
Brentwood, TN 37024

Every donation through Ordinary Heros is tax-deductible. You will automatically receive a donation confirmation and receipt to keep for your records. All funds collected on our behalf will be sent directly to our adoption agency. OH will distribute payouts over $100 once per month.


**This is a free service to adopting families. In order to keep this a free service, subtotals will include the 2.9% processing fee that Ordinary Hero is charged per transaction. Donors will also be given the option to include a donation to Ordinary Hero if they so choose.
Please Note: If Ordinary Hero receives checks in the mail to be credited toward an adoptive family's account, 2.9% will be deducted to cover Ordinary Hero administration cost associated with recording and processing checks. 

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This page was created by Alison Kroeker on behalf of Ordinary Hero Foundation.

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