Funding Forever Families

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${{goal | number:0}} ${{total | number:0}} {{donation_count | number:0}}  
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When Heath and I got married we always knew we wanted to adopt, we just always thought it would be when we were older, our biological children were grown, and we had more money! HA!  Well God had a different plan in mind and I'm so glad because adoption has opened our eyes to a country we didn't know anything about and to children we never would have known.

In November 2010 we brought home Isaiah Mussie from Ethiopia who was a six-month old little darling and he has brought so much joy into our home!  He is so full of life!  His smile can melt your heart and his laugh is absolutely contagious!  He loves his older sister and younger brother so much and our entire family can not imagine life without him.

When my husband and I went to pick up our son, we fell in love with Ethiopia, with the culture, the beauty and most of all the people.  While visiting different orphanges during our stay we could not get over how many waiting children there were who were longing for a family.  As we traveled home with our son we were excited and full of joy, but part of our hearts would forever be with all the ones we left behind.  So, it was on the way home from that trip when we decided one day we will adopt a child that is waiting because God's word promises "I will not leave you as orphans, I will come to you." (John 14:18)  We just waited for God to tell us when.

In January of 2012 God began speaking to us that the time was drawing near.  We said once our house sells and we move into one with more space we will begin the adoption process again.  We put our house on the market and it was sold in a week!  We knew that was total confirmation and the journey to our daughter began!

Now we know her name and we have been waiting to be united with our daughter for a long time.  We are praying Letisia will get to come home this year and we are so excited to hug her and love on her!  Thank you for praying and giving in order to bring our daughter home!

We are excited to introduce her to all the wonderful people who helped her be with her forever family!  We love you all!

Heath, Paige, Gracie, Isaiah, Brooks & Letisia

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This page was created by Heath & Paige Wilson on behalf of Ordinary Hero Foundation.

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