FCA Lacrosse - Giving Tuesday

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Campaign Goal Amount Raised Donations Time Left My Fundraising Goal  
${{goal | number:0}} ${{total | number:0}} {{donation_count | number:0}}  
  1. 0%
  2. 20%
  3. 40%
  4. 60%
  5. 80%
  6. 100%
{{(total / goal) * 100 | number:0}}%

#GivingTuesday is a movement to create a national day of giving to kick off the giving season added to the calendar on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving, Black Friday and Cyber Monday. The second annual GivingTuesday is December 3, 2013. In the same way that retail stores take part in Black Friday, FCA Lacrosse wants the giving community to come together for #GivingTuesday. Your donation made on this day is fully tax deductable.

Your donation will directly impact athletes and coaches throughout the country.  It will be going towards FCA Lacrosse's end of year giving goal of  $100,000.

If you have any questions about Giving Tuesday, please email Scott Hodgson

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  1. Name: {{l['display_name']}}
    Total Raised: ${{l['total'] | number:2}}
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Top Teams For This Campaign
  1. Name: Scott Hodgson
    Total Raised: $8,400
  2. Name: Ryan Horanburg
    Total Raised: $1,100
  3. Name: Merissa Bogdanor
    Total Raised: $1,000

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